Research & Institutional Engagement


GIFT City is a Non- academic Partner to URGENT.

Urban Resilience and adaptation for India and Mangolia - Curricula, capacity, ICT and stakeholder collaboration to support green & blue infrastructure and nature-based solution /URGENT

URGENT’s aim is to promote green & blue infrastructure (GBI) and nature-based solutions (NBS) for resilient, climate-friendly and liveable cities in India & Mongolia through ICT-enhanced tertiary education linked to labour markets & wider stakeholder circles.

URGENT is funded under the Erasmus+ programme of European Union & KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2020.

URGENT has 16 project partners (Academic & Non-academic) from 5 Nations (India, Mangolia, Germany, Estonia & Italia) & 2 continents (Asia & Europe). GIFT City is associated in the URGENT as Non-academic Partner.

More details are available on the Project website

URGENT Project Partners:
