Intelligent & Green GIFT

Intelligent Urbanization

“Efficient, Safe and Smart Buildings”

  • Provide a technologically advanced financial services gateway to national & world financial markets.

  • Integrated Suveillance System for Safety & Security through Command Centre.

  • Efficient operation and management of the building services including regular maintenance of all the services & Facilities.

  • Immediate Emergency Response for Disaster/Crisis Management

  • Enables creation of GIS platform for monitoring of services

  • Spelling out the company name in 100 foot text using the office lighting.

  • Monitoring building functions including lighting, heating, ventilation, scene sets, unit failures and potential/likely failure.

    • Interface of all services.
    • Complete control of temperature/light.
    • All utility usage information to be recorded.
    • Door locking control
    • Emergency and escape route lighting control
    • Remote vacant area/building monitoring and control
    • Lighting and daylight (blind) control
    • Automatic presence sense lighting
    • Room temperatures control based on core usage, motion control for ventilation/air conditioning.

Green Buildings & Physical Environment

  • High-energy evolving fusion of Nature and Technology, enhancing zest for work & life

  • Reduced use/waste of energy thus Reduced energy bills.

  • Sky Gardens/Roof-top gardens

  • Non-conventional energy resources such as solar water heating, rain water harvesting

  • Planning and Design consideration according to micro-climatology.

  • Basic parameters for Green Building may be considered and mentioned in the provision sheet such as:

    • Structure design efficiency
    • Materials efficiency
    • Indoor environmental quality enhancement
    • Operations and maintenance optimization
    • Waste reduction

“Technology Blended With Nature in Harmony”