Landscape MasterPlan

A livable city within forest"

Built on the principles of ecological fidelity to complement the new city growth

GIFT aims to plant 1,00,000 trees in an area of 3.58 square kilometers. The city and urban forest will grow together. Being in hot and arid climatic zone, the landscape master plan focuses on strategies and initiatives to develop a balance of blue and green landscape, not only at the city and block level but also at Regional level, that will restore the natural flora and fauna of the region and enrich the micro climatic condition of the place on the whole, creating a walkable city.

Tree Density at GIFT

279 Trees per Hectare

1 lakh trees, 3.5 Sq. Km.


Continuous Urban Forest Park and pedestrian Network extending all the way to the existing Wilderness Park and Indroda Nature Park to the North characterizes the Riverfront. The forest enters the city through the Green Boulevard and climbs up to the Central Green-Tapas. The expansive linearity of continuous tree coverage establishes a symbolic and coherent landscape that will establish a strong ecological continuum with the surrounding landscapes and creates continuous, shaded Pedestrian & Cyclist Corridor . The dense green spine links well with the master plan’s major green spaces enabling a fully shaded open space structure. The dense vegetation will provide a rich habitat for the new flaura and fauna to settle.



GIFT Green Fort Zone:

GIFT aims to create dense thematic Forest Park & pedestrian corridor rich in biodiversity as a supplement to natural forests using Miyawaki Method. The pilot Forest Park (planted with 2020 saplings containing 41 native species) has been planted over an area of 730sq.m.

These thematic forests grows:

10 times faster

30 times more dense

100 times more biodiverse &

Are 100% organic


  • Creation of GIFT Green Fort Zone: Urban forests with native & drought tolerant species to restore the natural flora and fauna of the place;

  • Dense vegetation alongside road edges with improved air quality and reduced noise impact to supplement the ongoing and intense construction works for the new developments;

  • Additional carbon sink with improved micro climatic condition to compensate the high-density areas;

  • Reduced cooling energy requirements for building blocks and thereby energy savings for operations and maintenance of the city;

  • Pleasurable driving and walking experience by dedicated shading varieties of trees along roadside medians and streetscape edges with multi layered vegetation;

  • Substantial percentage of virgin greens i.e. slab free area at block level – minimum 25% of block area;

  • Rain water retention and ground water recharge ponds for water sufficiency at block level;

  • Addressing Regional Drainage system, larger catchment restoration and plantation; Water Harvesting and Recharging ground water, creating waterbodies to reduce ambient temperature;

  • Efficient & planned irrigation system utilizing grey water for horticulture purposes with advanced and automated irrigation system to minimize water use and evaporation losses;

  • Eco friendly and durable local materials with heat absorption index for finishing hardscape areas for low heat island impact and easy maintenance.